Healthcare Administration Jobs Easy to Get After Earning a Degree From One of These Top Schools

The site, “Masters in Health Administration Degrees” ( has ranked the top 10 Best Online Masters in Health Administration Degree Programs to help prospective students evaluate programs. The Masters in Health Administration is a popular graduate degree for those seeking to advance in healthcare careers. Online distance education provides working adults with the opportunity to continue their education in the field while also remaining employed and meeting other obligations.

Masters in Health Administration Degrees notes that the MHA degree places more emphasis on healthcare content than does the alternative, the MBA in Healthcare, which focuses more on the business aspect of the healthcare field. Both degrees are considered excellent preparation for administrative and executive positions, according to the site.

All of the schools selected as the Top 10 Best Online Masters in Health Administration Degree Programs are regionally accredited. lists the tuition costs and the unique aspects and tuition costs for each program.

The Top 10 Online Masters in Health Administration Degree Programs are:

1. University of Southern California – Cost: $1588.24 per credit hour ($54,000).
Degree Name: Executive Masters in Health Administration.

2. Northeastern University – Cost: $1,345 per credit hour.
Degree Name: Master in Business Administration- Healthcare.

3. George Washington University – Cost: $1,420 per credit hour.
Degree Name: Master in Business Administration-Healthcare.

4. University of Cincinnati – Cost: $790 per credit hour.
Degree Name: Master of Health Administration (MHA).

5. Quinnipiac University – Cost: $895 per credit hour.
Degree Name: Master in Business Administration- Healthcare Management Track.

6. University of North Carolina – Cost: $497 per credit hour for North Carolina residents; $1229.48 per credit hour for non-residents.
Degree Name: Executive Master of Healthcare Administration.

7. Ohio University – Cost: $654 per credit hour for Ohio residents; $673 per credit hour for non-residents.
Degree Name: Masters in Health Administration.

8. Saint Joseph’s University – Cost: $752 per credit hour.
Degree Name: Master of Science in Health Administration (MSHA).

9. Tiffin University – Cost: $1,400 tuition per course; full program tuition is $25,200.
Degree Name: Master in Business Administration – Healthcare Administration.

10. Brenau University – Cost: $540 per credit hour.
Degree Name: Master in Business Administration – Healthcare Management.