The Top 10 Online Accelerated BSN Programs have been ranked by the site, an information site for nurses who wish to attain the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree and for students who already hold a degree in a non-nursing subject and who wish to enter the nursing field. Many nurses begin their careers with a diploma from a hospital training program or with an associate degree. Increasingly, however, a minimum of a BSN is required for advancement to nursing management and administrative positions. Some states, including New Jersey and New York, now require that RNs complete a BSN within 10 years of earning their RN certification. Earning a degree online allows nurses to continue and advance their careers while working toward a degree, and employers in some cases will pay for nurses to earn a degree. Some programs credit the student for college-level learning achieved through work and through prior studies, allowing the degree to be completed in as little as 12 months.
The schools named by were chosen because each offers the combination of flexible scheduling and a challenging curriculum. All offer courses leading to a broad foundation of knowledge in the nursing field, according to the site. All schools listed are accredited.
In addition to cost information on, and an “executive summary” of, the programs ranked, also notes unique characteristics of each program. This information is intended to help prospective students choose the online program that best meets their own circumstances.
1. Marian University – Cost: $795 per credit hour.
Degree Name: Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
2. University of Wisconsin – Cost: $315 per three-credit course.
Degree Name: Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
3. University of Texas at Arlington – Cost: $1,004 per credit hour.
Degree Name: Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
4. Indiana State University – Cost: $286 per credit hour for Indiana residents; $358 per credit hour for non-residents.
Degree Name: Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
5. Sullivan University – Cost: $260 per credit hour, plus $50 online fee per credit hour.
Degree Name: Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
6. Utica College – Cost: $375 per credit hour.
Degree Name: Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
7. Chatham University – Cost: $709 per credit hour.
Degree Name: Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
8. Linfield College – Cost: $375 per credit hour.
Degree Name: Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
9. Roseman University – Cost: $46,852 program tuition.
Degree Name: Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
10. Chamberlain College of Nursing – Cost: $665 per credit hour.
Degree Name: Bachelor of Science in Nursing.